i have a parsing calculation in a field called "output" that looks at another field (called "parser") and updates "output" with a portion of the data from "parser" (specifically, The data is "XCX0001-user", the calculation looks for "-user" and then updates the output field with "XCX001").
Here is what I have so far:
If ( FilterValues ( layout::parser ; "-user" ) ;
Left ( layout::parser ; Position ( layout::parser ; "-" ; 1 ; 1 ) -1 )
; 0 )
So if the field doesnt have the "-user" portion, it will print a '0', not "XCX001". Though it doesnt look like "Filter Values" looks for partial matches. Any way to fix this?
does not do what you think it does (see the help for more).
To test if your field contains the string "-user"
, you can use =
PatternCount ( YourField ; "-user" )
or =
Position ( YourField ; "-user" ; 1 ; 1 )
as your test expression. Alternatively, if the string is always at the end, you could test for =
Right ( YourField ; 5 ) = "-user"