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Slow API call Azure App Service and Azure Standard database 50 (S2) with Entity Framework

I'm hosting an app on Azure for testing purposes. However a lot of API calls are getting really slow even though performance does not seem to be maxed out at all. One API call that takes 170 ms locally with IIS Express and SQL Server Express takes a whooping 14485 ms on Azure. The testdata is exactly the same. There are a lot of includes going on but the data is needed and the query is even slower if the includes are not there.

Why is the query/API Call so much slower on Azure? I could understand it if performance was peeking but not a single parameter hits above 60%.


var results = db.ElectoralDistrictResults
    .Where(x => x.ElectoralDistrict.Code == addressViewModel.ElectoralDistrictCode)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.CountyResult.Election.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.CountyResult.Election.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.CountyResult.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.CountyResult.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.CountyResult.County)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ConstituencyResult.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.ElectionTurnout)
    .Include(x => x.Votes.Select(y => y.Party))
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityResult.Municipality.County)
    .Include(x => x.MunicipalityElectoralDistrictResult.MunicipalityElectoralDistrict)
    .Include(x => x.ElectoralDistrict)


App Service:

Basic: 1 Medium
2x cores
200 total ACU
3.5 GB memory
A-Series compute

enter image description here

Azure Standard database with 50 DTUs (S2).

enter image description here

Localhost request takes 170 ms

enter image description here

App Service request takes 14485 ms

enter image description here

Database call localhost:

enter image description here

Database call Azure Database:

enter image description here


  • Update:

    TL;DR: Using indices for slow queries can fix the problem.

    How to create spatial index using EF 6.1:


    After spending a substantial amount of time with this it seems to have something to do with the DbGeography class. Saved with data type geography in Azure Sql Server and on SQL Server Express. When excluding this property the query was performing only a fraction slower than locally. I don't think the data type is that normal. Will ask Azure if they have a problem handling this data type.

    enter image description here

    public class Municipality
        public string Code { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DbGeography Area { get; set; }
        public string CountyCode { get; set; }
        public virtual County County { get; set; }

    enter image description here