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Jupyter nbconvert LaTex Export Theme

I am using Jupyter Notebook nbconvert (Save as menu) to export as pdf via Latex. However, the pdf file is not in a good shape. For example, some wide tables are shown well. I would prefer to have a box for tables to be resized to the width of the page. Is there any style, template that I can use to have nice reports and how I may ask nbconverter to use that style?

Here is the Latex output:

enter image description here

I would like something like this:

enter image description here


  • Looks like Pandas gained a ._repr_latex_() method in version 0.23. You'll need to set pd.options.display.latex.repr=True to activate it.

    Without latex repr:
    Without latex repr
    With latex repr:
    With latex repr

    Check out the options to get the formatting close to what you want. In order to match your desired output exactly, you'll need to use a custom latex template.

    Edited to provide more information on templates:

    Start here for general information about templates. You can create a .tplx file in the same path as your notebook and specify it as the template when running nbconvert from the command line: !jupyter nbconvert --to python 'example.ipynb' --stdout --template=my_custom_template.tplx. Alternatively, you can specify a default template to use when exporting as Latex via the menu by modifying the file in your ~.jupyter directory. If this file doesn't exist already, you can generate it by running the command jupyter notebook --generate-config from the command line. I have my template sitting in the ~/.jupyter directory as well, so I added the following to my

    # Insert this at the top of the file to allow you to reference
    # a template in the ~.jupyter directory
    import os.path
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser("~") + '/.jupyter')
    # Insert this at the bottom of the file:
    c.LatexExporter.template_file = 'my_template' # no .tplx extension here
    c.LatexExporter.template_path = ['.', os.path.expanduser("~") + '/.jupyter'] # nbconvert will look in ~/.jupyter

    To understand a bit about how the templates work, start by taking a look at null.tplx. The line ((*- for cell in nb.cells -*)) loops over all the cells in the notebook. The if statements that follow check the type of each cell and call the appropriate block.

    The other templates extend null.tplx. Each template defines (or redefines) some of the blocks. The hierarchy is null->display_priority->document_contents->base->style_*->article.

    Your custom template should probably extend article.tplx and add some Latex commands to the header that sets up the tables the way you want. Take a look at this blog post for an example of setting up a custom template.