I have a button on my navbar. When clicked, I want a different behavior depending on which URI the user is currently on.
Let's say that I have this URI localhost:8080/entity/{entityId}
How can I get entity
, the first part of the URI, as a string in Angular 5.
Ok I found the answer from Angular's doc, you have to use the UrlSegment Angular class from @angular/router
to parse the url in segments
link to the relevant doc: https://angular.io/api/router/UrlSegment
const tree: UrlTree = router.parseUrl('/team;id=33');
const g: UrlSegmentGroup = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
const s: UrlSegment[] = g.segments;
s[0].path; // returns 'team'
s[0].parameters; // returns {id: 33}