I've got two lists of points, let's call them L1( P1(x1, y1), ... Pn(xn, yn)) and L2(P'1(x'1, y'1), ... P'n(x'n, y'n)).
My task is to find the best match between their points for minimizing the sum of their distances.
Any clue on some algorithm? The two lists contain approx. 200-300 points.
Thanks and bests.
If the use case of your problem involves matching ever point present in list L1 with a point in list L2, then the Hungarian Algorithm would serve as a perfect fit.
The weights corresponding to your Hungarian matrix would be the distance between the point annotated for the row vs the column. The overall runtime for the optimized Hungarian algorithm is O(n3) which will comfortably fit for your given constraint of n = 300
A pretty nice tutorial covering the ideology and implementation of the Hungarian algorithm is https://www.topcoder.com/community/competitive-programming/tutorials/assignment-problem-and-hungarian-algorithm/
If not for the Hungarian algorithm, you can also morph the given problem into a max-flow-min-cost
problem - the details of which I'll omit for now but can discuss if required.