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Sequelize 'hasMany' associated(model) count in attributes in query execution

Sequelize version: 4.22.6, MySql version:5.7.8 I want to 'hasMany' associated(CompanyUser) count in attibutes(at place of _user_count_) in query execution

* Company user associate with Company with belongsTo relation
`CompanyUser.belongsTo(Company, { foreignKey: 'company_id', targetKey: 'id'});`

* Company  associate with Company user with hasMany relation
`Company.hasMany(CompanyUser, { foreignKey: 'company_id', sourceKey: 'id'});`

`return Company.findAll({
    attributes: [
        'id', 'title', 'is_enabled', '_user_count_'
    include: [
            model: sqConn.CompanyUser,
            attributes: ['id'],
            model: sqConn.CompanyLogo,
}).then(function(model) {
    return sequelize.Promise.resolve(model);
}).catch(function(err) {
    return sequelize.Promise.reject(err);

Simple MySQL query with left-join works fine and give count.


  • You can use sequelize.fn , try to run below query :

        attributes: [
            'id', 'title', 'is_enabled',
            [sequelize.fn('count', sequelize.col('')) ,'user_count'] // <---- Here you will get the total count of user
        include: [
                model: sqConn.CompanyUser,
                attributes: [] // <----- Make sure , this should be empty
        group: [''] // <---- You might require this one also
    }).then(data => { 
        console.log(data); // <---- Check the output