When I deploy an .ear
application in WebSphere I have a problem in installing the shared libraries. I use a workaround to solve my issue like that
[... code to install the application]
&& sleep 60
&& /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -c \
"AdminApp.edit('appname', ['-MapSharedLibForMod', [['.*','.*', 'ibm']]])"
because I need to be sure that the .ear
file has been installed before calling AdminApp.edit
How can I get rid of the sleep
command? Is there a way to get a signal that the app has been installed?
In my deploy script (bash) I call:
$DM_WAS_HOME/wsadmin.sh -f $SCRIPTS_HOME/application_deploy.jacl $WORKING_DIRECTORY/appServer/$EAR_NAME $dmserver
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
$DM_WAS_HOME/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f $SCRIPTS_HOME/link_shared_lib.jython
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "ERROR: could not link libraries."
exit 2
echo "ERROR: installation failed, fix it"
exit 1
Anything goes wrong in the wsadmin.sh installation and the exit status is not 0. This way if your install takes more time for some reason, it will not be an issue, since only when the first task is done will you move on.
The application installation jacl sets a bunch of variables and calls:
$AdminApp update $appname app $updateopts
$adminConfig save
foreach nodeName $SyncNode {
puts "Syncing $nodeName"
$AdminControl invoke $nodeName sync
So anything does not work correctly in there, the exit status is != 0.
Yes I know I have to rewrite my jacl into jython (still on WAS 7 for this application).