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'default' showing up so, procedure or function has too many arguments specified;

Overall Goal

Re-write portion of web site exposed to longtime clients that still relies upon SQL query execution of the format and is currently working as expected:

SQLQuery = "exec spNewPayments " & "162611"
  Set rsPmts = objConnection.Execute(SQLQuery)

Where 162611 is an integer. The goal then is to parameterize query using command object and adding parameters using .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter technique.

Additionally, secondary goal is to eventually add additional parameters to limit the scope of the query, but I haven't even gotten that far in this post.


When running query using objConnection.Execute, the stored procedure runs as expected with one parameter, an integer (see above). When running query using recordsource.Open command I receive message:

  spNewPayments has too many arguments specified
  Code: 80040E14

The stored procedure is created using:

USE [maindb]



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spNewPayments] @claim_id int = NULL AS
select *
FROM dbo.objectTest co
WHERE co.foreign_id = @claim_id;


The VBScript that I am currently using as a test is:

Dim strCnxn 
strCnxn = "DSN=myDSN"
Dim objConnection
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")  
objConnection.Mode = acModeRead
objConnection.Open strCnxn

Dim cmd
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Dim rsPmts 
Set rsPmts = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = objConnection

.CommandType = 4
.CommandText = "spNewPayments"


.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@claim_id", 3, , , 162611)

End With

rsPmts.Open cmd

Set rsPmts = Nothing
 Set objConnection = Nothing
 Set cmd = Nothing

As mentioned, when I run this, I get: "Procedure or function spNewPayments has too many arguments specified" It occurs in the line rsPmts.Open cmd

I trace using Profiler in the SQL Server MS to see how the server is responding, and I see:

declare @p1 int
set @p1=180150003
declare @p3 int
set @p3=8
declare @p4 int
set @p4=1
declare @p5 int
set @p5=2
exec sp_ddopen @p1 output,N'sp_sproc_columns',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output,N'spNewPayments',NULL,NULL,NULL
select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5
exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
exec sp_cursorclose 180150003
exec spNewPayments default,162611

Aha! It appears it is passing two parameters, the first parameter as default. Huh? What is that? How does it get in there?

Obviously, this is caused by having too many parameters, but I don't think my code is adding two parameters, just one.

This error also seems to come up when people are inadvertently in a loop, but I haven't even gotten to my loop yet. I plan to loop through the recordsource later.


  • The .Parameter.Refresh() causes ADO to request the parameters from SQL Server which is an overhead you can see in the SQL Profiler trace you have provided. Calling this method populates the .Parameters collection automatically but is not recommended for production due to the server request being made to populate the collection on every execution.

    These lines in the trace are due to the .Parameters.Refresh call;

    -- Declaration and setting of temporary varibles
    declare @p1 int
    set @p1=180150003
    declare @p3 int
    set @p3=8
    declare @p4 int
    set @p4=1
    declare @p5 int
    set @p5=2
    Execution of sp_sproc_columns to get the expected parameters from the
    spNewPayments stored procedure (see
    exec sp_ddopen @p1 output,N'sp_sproc_columns',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output,N'spNewPayments',NULL,NULL,NULL
    select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5
    -- Use cursor to loop through results.
    exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
    exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
    exec sp_cursorfetch 180150003,2,1,1
    -- Close the cursor.
    exec sp_cursorclose 180150003

    The reason for the error is because you then manually add the parameter using the .Parameters.Append() and the CreateParameter() methods. This would work fine and would be my recommended approach, if you hadn’t called Refresh() first in effect doubling up the parameter @claim_id in the Parameters collection causing it to have Too many arguments.

    So, the fix in your code example is to remove;


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