I am working on a regular expression to match against a hexadecimal string and having some trouble near the end. I am specifically looking for groups of 2 bytes that do not contain 00 that are between 2 and 8 bytes long. I have it all working except that when there are less than 8 bytes, it will allow extra 00 to be in it sometimes.
(?!(00)+)([0-9a-fA-F]{2,8})?(?!(00)+) // This on the below text gives the following matches
Match 1
Full match 0-8 `C86B0200`
Group 2. 0-8 `C86B0200`
Match 2
Full match 8-16 `554E0200`
Group 2. 8-16 `554E0200`
Match 3
Full match 16-21 `C86B0`
Group 2. 16-21 `C86B0`
Match 4
Full match 21-21 ``
Match 5
Full match 39-47 `02700000`
Group 2. 39-47 `02700000`
In match 1,2,5 there are extra 00, in match 3, it missed the 20 for some reason. If you have an idea what I missed, please let me know
You can avoid matching 00
by allowing only one 0
in two digits at a time instead: