I'm trying to get the list of all resources based on its type using Azure API.
I can able to achieve this using Azure Fluent SDK
var resource = resouceManagementClient.Resources.ListAsync(new ODataQuery<GenericResourceFilterInner>(x => x.ResourceType == "microsoft.insights/alertrules")).Result;
However, I couldn't able to get this work with the Focus mode in the Microsoft doc site.
My Actal request is going like below
GET /subscriptions//resources?$filter=resourceType%20eq%20'microsoft.insights%2Falertrules'&api-version=2017-05-10
I tried the same within the focused editor
But still, this results in all resources, not only the type
What I'm missing here ?
Refer to my test screenshot, it works fine,resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Insights/alertRules'
Note: After passing the parameter, click the "+" symbol.