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How to inject constructor which has two times the same interface with Autofac

I want to replace my Unity IoC in my Xamarin 3.2 App with Autofac IoC. Because I haven't any experience with Autofac and the documentation doesn't explain what I need, I hope anyone can help me.

I don't know, how I have to configure the constructor injection, if the class gets two interfaces of the same type in the constructor, but with different implementations. My example shows two repositories and a facade. I want to give both repositories (same interface type) the facade constructor.

What I have

public class HostManager : IHost
           public HostManager()
    public class CustomerRepository : IRepository
           public CustomerRepository(Context context)
    public class AgentRepository : IRepository
           public AgentRepository(Context context)
    public class ToDoFacade : IFacade
    	public ToDoFacade(IHost host, IRepository agentRepository, IRepository customerRepository)

    // IoC registration

    public class Registry
        public Registry()
    	var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// How can I continue here?

Do you have an idea for me, how I can solve it? Links to resources are also welcome.

Best Tino


  • You can use ResolvedParameter to inject certain named registrations to your class. Here is an example with test:

    public void InjectCertainRegistration()
        // Arrange 
        var registry = new Registry();
        // Act
        var facade = registry.GetFacade();
        // Assert
    // IoC registration
    public class Registry
        private readonly IContainer _root;
        public Registry()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                .WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter((p, ctx) => p.Name == "agentRepository",
                    (p, ctx) => ctx.ResolveNamed<IRepository>("Agent")))
                .WithParameter(new ResolvedParameter((p, ctx) => p.Name == "customerRepository",
                    (p, ctx) => ctx.ResolveNamed<IRepository>("Customer")));
            _root = builder.Build();
        public IFacade GetFacade()
            return _root.Resolve<IFacade>();
    public class ToDoFacade : IFacade
        /// <summary>
        /// Just for testing
        /// </summary>
        public IRepository AgentRepository { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Just for testing
        /// </summary>
        public IRepository CustomerRepository { get; }
        public ToDoFacade(IHost host, IRepository agentRepository, IRepository customerRepository)
            AgentRepository = agentRepository;
            CustomerRepository = customerRepository;
    public class CustomerRepository : IRepository
        public CustomerRepository()
    public class AgentRepository : IRepository
        public AgentRepository()
    public interface IFacade
        /// <summary>
        /// Just for testing
        /// </summary>
        IRepository AgentRepository { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Just for testing
        /// </summary>
        IRepository CustomerRepository { get; }
    public class HostManager : IHost
        public HostManager()
    public interface IHost { }
    public interface IRepository { }

    I have modified your example a little bit. Method Registry.GetFacade() returns IFacade instance from container. Also I have added repository properties to make sure about their types in tests. Constructor of repositories became parameterless just to simplify the example. Hope it helps.