I want to achive rotating an x-axis label on a bar chart by 45 degree. That's currently possible with using like this:
chartView.xAxis.labelRotationAngle = -45
And the result is: Bar chart labels
As you see, the rotating anchor point is exactly the center points of the labels.
But i need to rotate them around their very right corner. So, it prevents overlapping each other.
We don't have an easy way to change the rotating anchor point of the labels.
But you can define your own custom XAxisRenderer
class and override renderAxisLabels
function. I have made a simple example and hope this will help you to move in the right direction. I have removed all unnecessary code from renderAxisLabels
function and changed anchor point from (x: 0.5, y: 0.0) to (x: 0.8, y: 0.0)
Define custom renderer
class MyXAxisRenderer: XAxisRenderer {
override func renderAxisLabels(context: CGContext)
guard let xAxis = self.axis as? XAxis else { return }
if !xAxis.isEnabled || !xAxis.isDrawLabelsEnabled
let yOffset = xAxis.yOffset
guard xAxis.labelPosition == .bottom else { return }
let customAnchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.8, y: 0.0) // custom anchor point, default value is (x: 0.5, y: 0.0)
drawLabels(context: context, pos: viewPortHandler.contentBottom + yOffset, anchor: customAnchorPoint)
and use it.
chartView.xAxis.labelRotationAngle = -45
chartView.xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom
chartView.xAxisRenderer = MyXAxisRenderer(viewPortHandler: chartView.viewPortHandler, xAxis: chartView.xAxis, transformer: chartView.getTransformer(forAxis: .left))