Search code examples

Error while running script in elastic search , gateway timeout

while running script in elastic search, I got 504 Gateway timeout error.

      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": {
            "script": {
              "script": " doc['creted_date'].date.getMonthOfYear() == 12 "
      "aggs": {
        "test": {
          "date_histogram": {
            "field": "creted_date",
            "interval": "month",
            "format": "MMM"

          "aggs": {
            "cost": {
              "sum": {
                "field": "cost"

Error result :

      "statusCode": 504,
      "error": "Gateway Time-out",
      "message": "Client request timeout"

whenever I am running this script over index having small number of documents , it gives perfect output. but on index having large number of documents , it gives above error.

Can we manually set the timeout for request in elastic search ? or Is there any other solution for this problem ?


  • Try this for Elasticsearch 6.x.

      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": {
            "script": {
              "script": {
                "source":  "doc['created_on'].date.getMonthOfYear() == params.month",
                  "params": {
                    "month": 5