Thankyou for reading my problem.I am not getting the request get host.I am sending an email to the drivers those who registered in my app.I am sending a Booking link with their id in URL. The problem is that i am not getting the host with it. For eg after hitting the link i want him to redirect to the page where he can see the car.
Output in mail After sending email :
Please hit the link and book a car /drivers/2/
but i want a proper link to send him in mail
for eg
from django.template import Context, Template as mailt
def rentacar_carapp_approve(request):
if request.POST:
args['driver'] = driver = Driver.objects.get(id=request.POST.get('driver_id'))
subject = "Please Register Your Car"
from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
to_email = ''
if to_email is not None:
template = mailt("""Please hit the link and book a car {{ request.get_host }}{% url 'detail' driver_id=driver_id %}""")
ctx = Context({'driver_id':})
join_message = template.render(ctx)
send_mail(subject=subject, from_email=from_email, recipient_list=[to_email], message=join_message,
print("email sent")
except Driver.DoesNotExist:
print("Driver doesn't exists")
url(r'^drivers/(?P<driver_id>\d+)/$', rent_views.detail, name='detail'),
The best way is to build the URL in your view using build_absolute_uri
method of HttpRequest
, since this will also add the current protocol (https or http):
url = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('detail', kwargs={'driver_id':}))
ctx = Context({'url': url})
template = mailt("""Please hit the link and book a car {{ url }}""")
join_message = template.render(ctx)
This should lead to http://localhost:8000/drivers/2 displayed in your email message.