I have a website with some webservices written with web api 2 and .net 4.6. I want the application to be initialized when I restart the site or when I spin up a new instance (on Azure app service).
I have this code in webconfig:
<applicationInitialization doAppInitAfterRestart="true">
<add initializationPage="/" />
<add initializationPage="/api-v2/warmup/get" />
I have this controller:
public class WarmupController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
Log.Information($"Warming up started. {Environment.MachineName}");
// my warm up code
Log.Information($"Warming up succeeded. {Environment.MachineName}");
return Ok();
I cannot see any logs. Not when I restart the site nor when I do scale out. I've tried to call my api using postman without any headers (just a get to http://xxx//api-v2/warmup/get and it worked fine and also wrote to my logs.
I've already read this thread: Cannot warm up pages using applicationInitialization in webconfig
-There is no Ip restrictions on the Azure nor on the webconfig
-There is no url rewrites in webconfig ( like for https or for www.)
-There is no external system involved (like a CMS) so I shouldn't need ot send the hostName but I've also tried to send that and it didn't work
So I've finally managed to make it work!
The problem was in my code and not in the settings.
There was a part in the start up code that was adding a check to the requests and if it was from the localhost it was stopping the processes.
So lesson learned the hard way! :)
Check webconfig for redirects and rewrites Check the code for stuff that do the same thing