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How to apply styles in word while inserting WordMl in VSTO?

I've made a WordMl package & using "Range.InsertXML" method to insert but word is removing the styles on inserted paragraph.

How can i preserve the styles inserted from wordml?

Below is the WordMl Package.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pkg:package xmlns:pkg="">
   <pkg:part pkg:name="/word/document.xml" pkg:contentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml">
         <w:document xmlns:w="">
               <w:p xmlns:wsp="" wsp:rsidR="" wsp:rsidRPr="" wsp:rsidRDefault="">
                  <w:r wsp:rsidRPr="">
                        <w:color w:val="" />
                        <w:sz w:val="20" />
                     <w:t xml:space="preserve"> Corey M Abramson, Elena Portacolone </w:t>
                        <w:sz w:val="20" />
                        <w:rStyle w:val="sup" />
                     <w:t xml:space="preserve"> ( 2017 ) </w:t>
                  <w:r wsp:rsidRPr="">
                        <w:color w:val="" />
                        <w:sz w:val="20" />
                     <w:t xml:space="preserve"> What is new with old? What old age teaches us about inequality and stratification. </w:t>



  • i have solved this issue by adding styles pkg in ooxml