The error generated like this when I am trying to replace scene in
react native router flux.
Actions.replace('home') like this
Give me solution what should I do to remove this error
It is not able to pop the previous scene or how can I remove scene
from router
In this case Actions.replace is not working with this home scene only for another scene it is working
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
at popPrevious (State.js:63)
at reducer (Reducer.js:36)
at Object.Navigator.router.getStateForAction (navigationStore.js:500)
at NavigationContainer._this.dispatch (createNavigationContainer.js:315)
at NavigationStore.dispatch (navigationStore.js:840)
at NavigationStore.replace (navigationStore.js:908)
at LoginScreen.js:92
at tryCallOne (core.js:37)
at core.js:123
Actions.home({type:'reset'}) using this we can our route in router flux to home screen or login screen and do same in logout also Actions,login({type:'reset'}) Like this you can reset your route in router flux