I am having an app which is using Facebook Authentication using Firebase. Earlier we were using the app in development mode but after we released the app, we also made the app public from Faceook developers console. In the screenshot below the AppReview section is shown which shows that the app is public and the approved permissions.
Now, when I am using the app and logging in using Facebook, I am getting the following error: SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query. [extra]: null
which as far as I clould understand happens when app is in development mode. The links that I have checked include this: SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query. I also have the following meta tag in AndroidManifest.xml file
android:value="@string/facebook_app_id" />
Now, I don't understand that even when our app is public and the Facebook developers console also show status as Live, why are we getting this error? What are we doing wrong?
Also, I am doubtful about the fact that when we shifted from development to release mode in Facebook, I didn't have to change any keys in Firebase. Can this be something or is there any such thing required?
Kindly help. Thanks!
Now add your hash from logcat error like this.
always remember that the hash key for debug and live will be different.