When using custom exceptions_app
and rescue_responses
, an application has more control of uncaught exceptions and an excessive logging from DebugExceptions
middleware becomes noise.
As an example, the application knows how to process ActionPolicy::Unauthorized
, renders proper page in exceptions_app
and thus the following log is redundant:
FATAL -- :
FATAL -- : ActionPolicy::Unauthorized (Not Authorized):
FATAL -- :
FATAL -- : app/controllers/topics_suggest_controller.rb:47:in `topic_load'
What would be the most idiomatic way to skip logging only those exceptions listed in rescue_responses
Some historical notes are below. As of June 25, 2021, my PR to Rails https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/42592 has been accepted and this functionality will be available in Rails 6.1.5 7.0.0
It's tempting to delete DebugExceptions
middleware from the application's Rails stack.
config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
The problem is that it is exactly the middleware that determines Rails cannot find a route and throws ActionController::RoutingError
in such cases. Hence, if you would like to react to this exception in your exceptions_app
, this approach is a no-go for you.
Go ahead and use this approach if it's fine for you to see HTTP status 404 and plain text response Not found
when no route was found.
Monkey patch or change ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
in some way. In fact, there was a proposal in 2013 to change DebugExceptions
behavior so that it skips logging exceptions registered in rescue_responses
: 9343, there is an example code in there.
I think it's too much to overwrite the whole class, so I chose to override its method log_error
responsible for logging errors.
module Ext
module SuppressExceptions
def log_error(_request, wrapper)
exception = wrapper.exception
return if ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.rescue_responses.key? exception.class.name
require_dependency 'ext/suppress_exceptions'
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions.prepend Ext::SuppressExceptions