I am having trouble with the new observe
API in Swift 4.
player = AVPlayer()
player?.observe(\.currentItem.status, options: [.new], changeHandler: { [weak self] (player, newValue) in
if let status = AVPlayer.Status(rawValue: (newValue as! NSNumber).intValue) {
But I get an error
Type of expression is ambiguous without more context.
How do I fix it? Not sure about keyPath
There is also a warning in extracting AVPlayerStatus in the closure above
Cast from 'NSKeyValueObservedChange' to unrelated type 'NSNumber' always fails"
is an optional property of AVPlayer
. The following compiles
in Swift 4.2/Xcode 10 (note the additional question mark in the key path):
let observer = player.observe(\.currentItem?.status, options: [.new]) {
(player, change) in
guard let optStatus = change.newValue else {
return // No new value provided by observer
if let status = optStatus {
// `status` is the new status, type is `AVPlayerItem.Status`
} else {
// New status is `nil`
The observed property is an optional AVPlayer.Status?
, therefore
inside the callback is a “double optional” AVPlayer.Status??
and must be unwrapped twice.
It may fail to compile in older Swift versions, compare Swift’s ‘observe()’ doesn’t work for key paths with optionals? in the Swift forum.