I installed Artifactory Community Edition for C/C++ 6.3.3 on windows 7 and created a conan reposotory. on the same machine I do have conan 1.7.3. I added the repository to the list of remotes
λ conan remote add test http://localhost:8082/artifactory/api/conan/testtcc
λ conan remote list
conan-center: https://conan.bintray.com [Verify SSL: True]
conan-transit: https://conan-transit.bintray.com [Verify SSL: True]
poco: https://api.bintray.com/conan/pocoproject/conan [Verify SSL: True]
test: http://localhost:8082/artifactory/api/conan/testtcc [Verify SSL: True]
but when I try to add a user I got this error
λ conan user admin -r test -p
Please enter a password for "admin" account:
ERROR: b''
Invalid server response, check remote URL and try again. [Remote: test]
Thank you @drodri, the error message is not relevant, in fact the problem is related to conan proxy configuration. I am connecting to conan-center via proxy and with no proxy to local remote "test".
adding no_proxy_match = http://localhost:8082*
fixed the issue.
known issue