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How can we generate multiple random number in ethereum?

I want my smart contract to return 7 or 8 UNIQUE random numbers ranging from 1 to 100 upon calling the contract. What can be the best approach to obtain such result?


  • Probably if you are trying to build roulettes, lotteries, and card games using the Ethereum blockchain, as the Ethereum blockchain is deterministic, it imposes certain difficulties for those who have chosen to write their own pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

    Some Vulnerable Methods Currently Used

    If you are using the block variables like block.coinbase, block.difficulty, block.timestamp etc.. as the source of entropy, all these block variables can be manipulated by miners, so they cannot be used as a source of entropy because of the miners’ incentive. As the block variables are obviously shared within the same block, you can easily use internal messages to yield the same outcome.

    Other methods are like using blockhash of current or some past block or blockhash of a past block combined with a private seed. block.blockhash(block.number) function is used in these cases. However, at the moment of transaction execution in the EVM, the blockhash of the block that is being created is not yet known for obvious reasons and the EVM will always yield zero. If we are trying it with the blockhash of a previous block, an attacker can make an exploit contract with the same code in order to call the target contract via an internal message. The “random” numbers for the two contracts will be the same.

    Even if we combine the blockhash with a private seed, being transparent in nature, the blockchain must not be used to store secrets in plaintext. It is trivial to extract the value of the private variable pointer from the contract storage and supply it as an argument to an exploit.

    Some Areas Worth Exploring

    • External oracles
    • Signidice
    • Commit–reveal approach

    With External oracles like Oraclize, smart contracts can request data from web APIs such as currency exchange rates, weather forecasts, and stock prices (like The key drawback of this approach is that it is centralized. Will Oraclize daemon tamper with the results? Can we trust

    Instead of Oraclize, we can also use BTCRelay which is a bridge between Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains. Using BTCRelay, smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain can request future Bitcoin blockhashes and use them as a source of entropy.

    Signidice is an algorithm based on cryptographic signatures that can be used for random number generation in smart contracts involving only two parties: the player and the house. The algorithm works as follows:

    • The player makes a bet by calling a smart contract.
    • The house sees the bet, signs it with its private key, and sends the signature to the smart contract.
    • The smart contract verifies the signature using the known public key.
    • This signature is then used to generate a random number.

    Commit–reveal approach consists of two phases:

    • A “commit” stage, when the parties submit their cryptographically protected secrets to the smart contract.
    • A “reveal” stage, when the parties announce cleartext seeds, the smart contract verifies that they are correct, and the seeds are used to generate a random number.

    A better implementation of the commit–reveal approach is Randao. Commit–reveal can be combined with future blockhashes to make it more secure.

    This pretty much covers all the methods for random number generation using Ethereum.