Does Winston support a writable stream object that uploads to DigitalOcean Spaces?
There is for example s3-streamlogger for S3 objects, but I could not find a direct way to use winston with spaces.
According to Spaces Documentation, Spaces is compatible with AWS S3 API:
The Spaces API aims to be interoperable with Amazon's AWS S3 API. In most cases, when using a client library, setting the "endpoint" or "base" URL to ${REGION} and generating a Spaces key to replace your AWS IAM key will allow you to use Spaces in place of S3.
So I ended up using s3-streamlogger with Winston
to upload logs into my spaces bucket:
import winston from 'winston';
import { S3StreamLogger } from 's3-streamlogger';
const s3Stream = new S3StreamLogger({
bucket: "mybucket",
config: {
endpoint: '',
access_key_id: "MY_ACCESS_KEY",
secret_access_key: "MY_SECRET_KEY",
tags: {type: "mytype", project: "myproject"}
const s3Transport = new winston.transports.Stream({
stream: s3Stream
export const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [s3Transport]
});'Hello Winston!');
Hope it helps