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How to replace Unicode character in a string?

I need to replace a literal UNICODE character with a "normal" character in a string:

HTMLString := StringReplace(HTMLString, '??', '->', [rfReplaceAll]);

But I cannot enter this Unicode character in the Delphi code editor because of the Delphi code editor not being able to display this Unicode character.

I can clearly see that the above Unicode character is inside the string because when I send the string with CodeSite I can see it in the CodeSite Live Viewer:

CodeSite.Send('HTMLString', HTMLString);

This is a screenshot from the CodeSite Live Viewer:

enter image description here

So how can I replace this Unicode character in the string?

Delphi: 10.1 Berlin


  • Delphi IDE support Unicode since V2009, just right click in the code editor go to File Format then select UTF8, and here is a simple sample to replace the unicode char:

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     S: Char;
     Str: string;
      S:= chr($25b6); // Or S:= chr(9654);
      Str:= S + 'Hi there' + S;
      Caption:= Str + ' ---> ' + StringReplace(Str, S, '', [rfReplaceAll]);

    Among the many new features found in Delphi 2009 is the imbuing of Unicode throughout the product. The default string in Delphi is now a Unicode-based string. Since Delphi is largely built with Delphi, the IDE, the compiler, the RTL, and the VCL all are fully Unicode-enabled.

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