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wx.BitmapButton incorrect size?

I can't seem to figure out why my bitmap button looks like a standard button with the image in the middle. I've followed the examples and the wxPython constructor methods and nothing seems to change or match what I see in the examples and tutorials. Here is my constructor:

    bmp = wx.Bitmap("plus-circle.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
    self.imgButton = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=bmp)
    self.imgButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.addCategory)
    catSizer.Add(self.txtCategory, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
    catSizer.Add(self.cmbCategory, 1, wx.ALL, 5)
    catSizer.Add(self.imgButton, 2, wx.ALL, 5)

And this is how it is shown in my 'panel' as it's part of a tabbed window:

Image of Button

How can I just have the image as my button without all the extra border around it? I did try the GetHeight, GetWidth, methods, plus DefaultSize, etc, but nothing seems two work.

I'm running Python 3.6 on Mac OS Mojave.



  • When you add the button to the sizer, you are instructing it to change the proportion to 2. catSizer.Add(self.imgButton, 2, wx.ALL, 5)

    Sizer.Add(window, proportion=0, flag=0, border=0, userData=None)

    proportion -

    this parameter is used in wx.BoxSizer to indicate if a child of a sizer can change its size in the main orientation of the wx.BoxSizer - where 0 stands for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted relative to the value of other children of the same wx.BoxSizer. For example, you might have a horizontal wx.BoxSizer with three children, two of which are supposed to change their size with the sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a value of 1 each to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer’s horizontal dimension.

    Change your code to the following:
    catSizer.Add(self.imgButton, 0, wx.ALL, 5) that should fix your problem.