I have a set such as:
set PRODUCTS := p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 ;
Associated to this set I have some parameters, of the form:
param min_production {PRODUCTS} >= 0;
param max_production {PRODUCTS} >= 0;
I want to fill these param
s with a format where the set index is the col index, and the param
name is the row index.
Something like this:
#Data p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
param min_production 20 10 20 20 30 ;
param max_production 120 110 120 120 150 ;
param min_stock_products 20 20 20 20 20 ;
param max_stock_products 100 80 80 120 120 ;
param price 6400 6000 5900 6250 6500 ;
param unit_cost 800 1000 400 500 1000 ;
param fixed_cost 1500 1500 1250 1500 1600 ;
param stock_cost_products 20 20 10 25 30 ;
param frac_demand_lost 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 ;
Is this possible? What is the syntax?
Section 9.2 of the AMPL Book offers a way to do something approximating this with set index as row, and param name as column. See p. 151, "Combined lists of sets and parameters".
The format would look something like this:
param: min_production max_production min_stock_products max_stock_products :=
p1 20 120 20 100
p2 10 110 20 80
p3 20 120 20 80
The only way I know of that keeps products as the column index would be to create a second index set parameter_type that matches your model parameter names, and then define "model_parameters" as a param indexed on both products and parameter_type. You could then use the method shown in AMPL Book 9.3 of the same reference:
param model_parameters: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 :=
min_production 20 10 20 20 30
max_production 120 110 120 120 150
min_stock_products 20 20 20 20 20
max_stock_products 100 80 80 120 120