I am avery big Vala Newbie. I made a cusButton function which is somewhat there for refactoring the other buttons and reduce lines of code. After compiling and running I have an Empty Screen.( Nothing is shown) Its probably a stupid mistake. Can you guys point me to my mistake?
Gtk.Button cusButton(string label,Gtk.Box grid ){
var button = new Gtk.Button.with_label(label);
return button;
public class window:Gtk.ApplicationWindow{
internal window(MyApplication app){
Object (application:app,title:"TCalc");
this.window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER;
var parent = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,0);
//Row 1
//int left, int top, int width , int height
var row1 = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,0);
var clear_button = cusButton("AC",row1);
var ac_button = cusButton("<-",row1);
var perc_button = cusButton("%",row1);
var div_button = cusButton("/",row1);
//Row 2
var row2 = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,0);
var sev_button = cusButton("7",row2);
var eight_button = cusButton("8",row2);
var nine_button = cusButton("9",row2);
var multi_button = cusButton("X",row2);
//A few more rows..
public class MyApplication : Gtk.Application {
protected override void activate(){
new window (this).show();
internal MyApplication () {
Object (application_id: "org.example.MyApplication");
public static int main(string[] args) {
return new MyApplication().run(args);
Try using show_all ()
instead of show ()
. This saves you calling show on all the widgets. So change:
protected override void activate(){
new window (this).show();
protected override void activate(){
new window (this).show_all();
You can also then remove the other calls to show ()
, e.g. button.show();
, that you have in your code.