I have a list of company stock prices in a MongoDB. Each document looks like this:
"companyName":"Adobe Systems, Inc.",
Of course there's a lot of documents like this in the database. I need to get the list of symbols and company names in a distinct manner, e.g. I want to have this:
List<BsonDocument> {
{ "symbol": "ADBE", "companyName": "Adobe Systems, Inc." },
{ "symbol": "MCO", "companyName": "Moody's Corp" }
I've found a way to get distinct values only for one field, like this:
public List<string> GetCompanySymbolNames() {
return m_CompanyCollection.Distinct<string>("symbol", new BsonDocument())?.ToList();
But is there a way to make distinct filtering by 2 fields? It's a C# mongodb driver
p.s. I've seend this topic count multiple distinct fields by group with Mongo But I couldn't make it work with C# driver
I've resolved it like this:
public List<SymbolItem> GetCompanySymbolItems() {
// https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/
var result = new List<SymbolItem>();
.Group(new BsonDocument("_id",
new BsonDocument {{"symbol", "$symbol"}, {"companyName", "$companyName"}}))
.ForEach(bson => {
var symbolData = bson["_id"];
result.Add(new SymbolItem {
Tag = symbolData["symbol"].AsString,
Name = symbolData["companyName"].AsString
return result;
Now I'm getting the results I wanted