So my code is in angular version 5.
I have a button with an icon. I am trying to make the icon dynamic.
So i want to shift between send icon fa fa-paper-plane
and loading iconfa fa-spinner fa-spin
. As and when I send a message I should show the spinner and when I get a message back, I should show the paper-plane icon.
Case 1) I gave fa
along with fa-spinner
and fa-paper-plane
which didn't work.
<div class="send">
<button type="submit" class="message-submit" id="btn-submit" (click)="onSubmit()">
<i [ngClass]="{ 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin': true, 'fa fa-paper-plane': false }" aria-hidden="true" title="send"></i>
So this is the output below, where I get a square icon instead of the spinner.
Case 2) In this as well, I have given fa
along with fa-spinner fa-spin
and fa-paper-plane
<div class="send">
<button type="submit" class="message-submit" id="btn-submit" (click)="onSubmit()">
<i [ngClass]="{ 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin': false, 'fa fa-paper-plane': true }" aria-hidden="true" title="send"></i>
So now this happens.
So now you can see, between the two cases, I have just interchanged true false value. So I came to a conclusion that, my spinner is not working. But this happened,
Case 3) I have again given fa
with fa-spinner
and fa-paper-plane
. But i have interchanged the position of fa-spinner
and fa-paper-plane
as you can see below.
<div class="send">
<button type="submit" class="message-submit" id="btn-submit" (click)="onSubmit()">
<i [ngClass]="{ 'fa fa-paper-plane': true, 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin': false }" aria-hidden="true" title="send"></i>
But this was the output, where I am again getting a box instead of paper-plane this time ( which I thought was working fine).
Case 4) so now, below, you can see I have interchanged the true false values.
<div class="send">
<button type="submit" class="message-submit" id="btn-submit" (click)="onSubmit()">
<i [ngClass]="{ 'fa fa-paper-plane': false, 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin': true }" aria-hidden="true" title="send"></i>
And well, this gave me this output.
Tada. Spinner is working too.
You can see from the four conditions, it is pretty clear that spinner as well as paper-plane is working properly, if it is placed in the Second Position in the [ngClass] directive.
Can someone please help me with a fix?
PS: Yes I am not using true and false ( I have a flag variable for it)
It seems to work best when the object's key is a single class.
You can instead do something like this:
class="fa" [ngClass]="{'fa-paper-plane': true, 'fa-spinner': false, 'fa-spin': false }"
Because the fa
class should always apply, it's being done in a normal class