I use an elk stack for logging with haproxy 1.6.3 and I'm also using consul. In haproxy I set the global log to
log logstash.service.consul:514 len 4096 local0 notice
I do know that older haproxy only resolves DNS when it's started. In newer haproxy version I can also use resolvers. And in 1.8 it's also possible to resolve SRV records.
But the documentation doesn't show that resolvers are usable with a log target. So does haproxy only resolve the log target at startup?
Consul itself uses an TTL of 0 for its DNS records.
I do know about consul-templates. But I would like to know how haproxy behaves without it.
Tried it and definitely only resolves at startup of haproxy. Later changes of the DNS record are never resolved by haproxy for log targets.