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Show Product Weight in Odoo 10 in the Order Confirmation page

I have added many products with different Unit of Measure and weight. In Sales Order line when customer confirm's the order e.g. visits the https:///shop/confirmation page after checkout.

The page shows quantity & Unit of Measure along with the price but, it doesn't show the product weight

Lets say I have a product called Katal fish which has a weight of 500.00 gm. Here, unit of measure is set to gm (Gram) Now, if any user buy 3 units of Katal fish the Sales order line shows

quantity UOM
3.000 gm 

But, it should be 3 * 500 gm or, 1500 gm.

It seems like in the quantity field odoo is showing number of products on the cart only without any weight.

I just want to show the weight along with the quantity.

Quantity Weight UOM
3 X 500gm 
7 X 1KG 


Please check the screenshots for more clarification of the issue:

Order Confirmation Page

Product Weight is set

Note that, Odoo's QWeb Report For Quotation of the order has the same problem! I tried to modify the template by adding

<t field='line.product_weight'> 

but, it seems like there are no such fields.


  • I was able to solve the issue by modifying Mihir's answer

    Replacing line.product_id.product_weight with line.product_id.weight like below:

    <xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_cart']/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[2]" position="after">
            <div id="product_weight">
                <span t-field="line.product_id.weight"/>