I've been trying for hours to change the format of my datetimepicker (Tempus DOminus for bootstrap 4) but the format won't change so now I'm trying to find a better way to convert it on the backend when it inserts to my database.
The issue is, the datetimepicker currently puts the user selected date into the input as
10/02/2018 2:15 PM
The problem is, I need to insert it into the database like so:
2018-10-02 02:15:00
Is there a better way that I can just auto convert that to fit the mysql timestamp format I need?
I'm thinking there would have to be a way for me to look at the AM/PM from the datetimepicker and make it either 02:00:00 or 14:00:00 accordingly.
I can convert the date by doing date('Y-m-d') but I don't know how to do the full thing.
Since I'm having issues with the actual picker format, can anyone help me convert this properly?
You can use DateTime::createFromFormat
to parse the date format you are getting from your datepicker:
$datestr = '10/02/2018 2:15 PM';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y h:i A', $datestr);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
2018-10-02 14:15:00