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SimpleMDE with Angular 6 get reference of editor in component

What I have done so far?

I have successfully implemented SimpleMDE in my angular 6 app and it is working fine. However I am struggling to get the reference of editor in my component.

What I want

I want to access the simplemde editor inside a function of my component so that I can call its method to show markdown I am getting from service response.

What is the problem?

I am newbie to angular and do not know how to get reference in my component of something initialized in module. Here is my code to explain it better:

Following this link:

My Module

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
    import { SimplemdeModule, SIMPLEMDE_CONFIG } from 'ng2-simplemde'
      imports: [
          provide: SIMPLEMDE_CONFIG,
          // config options 1
          useValue: {}
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }

My Component .ts

export class QuestionComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
option2 = {placeholder: '# Welcome!! show your talent here.',
    promptURLs: true,
    renderingConfig: {codeSyntaxHighlighting: true},
    showIcons: ['code', 'table'],
    toolbar: [
            name: 'custom',
            action: function showit(editor) {
                this.demo.customFunction(editor, this.demo);
            } ,
            className: 'fa fa-picture-o',
            title: 'Custom Button',
            demo : this.vm
    '|', // Separator

constructor() {}

//some other methods


My Component .html

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6"><simplemde *ngIf="questions" [(ngModel)]="something" [options]="option2"></simplemde></div>


So far so good. But I need to process previously saved markdown in my component like this :

// call some serrvice and get reponse 
this.oldhtml = this.simplemde.options.previewRender(response.markdown);

I do not know how to get this.simplemde in this method. Any help?

Note: I do not want to create a custom toolbar button of simplemde. I need to do it in response of a rest call.



  • You can get a reference to the component a couple of ways.

    One way is to use @ViewChild, and the component type. Another way is to use @ViewChild, and a template variable.

    If you want to use a template variable, add one to the template, like below (added #simplemde inside the simplemde tag).

    <simplemde #simplemde [options]="option2"></simplemde>

    This is the TS code for the hosting component:

    import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { Simplemde } from 'ng2-simplemde';
        selector: 'app-root',
        templateUrl: './app.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
    export class AppComponent {
        // Try this
        @ViewChild(Simplemde) simplemde: Simplemde; // @ViewChild and component type
            // OR this
        @ViewChild('simplemde') simplemde: Simplemde; // @ViewChild and template variable
        option2 = {};
        // then you can refer the component like you want
            // call some service and get reponse 
            this.oldhtml = this.simplemde.options.previewRender(response.markdown);

    More info on ViewChild