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Exporting Firestore to Cloud Storage using a cloud function

I have a cloud function calling exportDocuments that looks like this:

client ='firestore', 'v1beta1')
client.projects().databases().exportDocuments(name=name, body=body).execute()

It is crashing due to an authentication error:

HttpError 403 "The caller does not have permission"

The cloud function is crashing when triggered using Pub/Sub. But if I run the same code from Cloud Shell, it works.

My questions are:

  • Am I doing it wrong? Should't the auth be handled automagically since I'm executing in a cloud function? I mean it's working from Cloud Shell.

  • What can I do? Example code more than welcome as I cannot wrap my head around authenticating manually.


  • The Cloud Function service account has the project Editor role by default. This role does not include permissions to start Cloud Firestore exports.

    You can follow steps 3 and 4 here to give the default service account, [email protected], permissions to start Cloud Datastore/Firestore exports and to access your designated Cloud Storage bucket.