Can someone tell me why this does not work:
public void should_parse_json() {
Expression expression = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression("#jsonPath(get('JsonData'), '$.someData')");
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("JsonData", "{\"someData\": 100}");
StandardEvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(data);
context.addPropertyAccessor(new JsonPropertyAccessor());
assertThat(expression.getValue(context, Object.class)).isEqualTo(100);
I get error "org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1006E: Function 'jsonPath' could not be found"
And I have following jar in classpath:
The SPEL documentation did not help me.
Such a #jsonPath()
SpEL function is a part of Spring Integration infrastructure:
It's not going to work with the plain Spring and only SpEL.
However I see that you use a JsonPropertyAccessor
. This one indeed a part of Spring Integration and you definitely have that in your classpath.
From here I think you just miss to register a SpEL function into the StandardEvaluationContext
context.registerFunction("jsonPath", BeanUtils.resolveSignature("evaluate", JsonPathUtils.class));