I am trying to restrict key press of some special characters in the input box for my requirement and I am using the below procedure to do the same.
procedure RestrictKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
KeyCode: Integer;
{ Restrict special characters @, ^, *, \ }
KeyCode := Ord(Key);
if ((KeyCode = 32) or (KeyCode >= 64) or (KeyCode <= 94) or (KeyCode <= 42) or (KeyCode <= 92)) then
Key := #0;
I am calling this procedure in the InitializeWizard
like this
PageConfig.Edits[1].OnKeyPress := @RestrictKeyPress;
But when I test this, key press is not working for any keys. I am trying to restrict only the keys mentioned below and space.
@, ^, *, \
Your logic is entirely wrong. :-) Let's take a look:
if ((KeyCode = 32) { Ok so far }
or (KeyCode >= 64) { Oops. Killing every key above 63 }
or (KeyCode <= 94) { And every key below 95 }
or (KeyCode <= 42) { And (redundantly) every key below 43 }
or (KeyCode <= 92)) then { And (redundantly) every key below 93 }
You also don't need to convert Key
to a numeric.
Use a simple set instead:
if (Key in ['@', '^', '*', '\', #32]) then { #32 is space }
Key := #0;