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Workaround for Facebook edge.create being removed from the api

We have a credits system than rewards people for liking us on facebook, for marketing purposes. If they like us via the button we put on our platform, we offer them a credit.

We used to implement this by listening to the event edge.create

window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId      : '....',
      status     : true,
      xfbml      : true
       function(response) {
         //give credit

Recently this stopped working since edge.create was take out of the events that you can subscribe to, based on the answer to this question: Facebook like callback event using edge.create is not working

adn this blog psot:

Is there a work around for this? I would prefer some JS solution. Webhooks seems complicated and i not sure it would even works since i don't know how i would identify which facebook user is the user in our system (they can have different emails, names etc)



  • We have a credits system than rewards people for liking us on facebook

    Like gating or rewarding people for liking a Page is not allowed since many years - and now not possible anymore. There is no workaround.

    This would be the specific part of the platform policy:

    Don’t incentivize people to like a Page, or give the impression that liking a Page will be rewarded