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WebStorm: bash script errors when run with "run", but works when executed in the console

I wrote a build script for my project (maven, grunt as well as some server-reconfiguration), and when I use the WebStorm command-line with

~/Projects/javaee-angularjs$ ./ 

Everything works as expected.

However, when I configure the file to be run by WebStorm (the green triangle top-right) it fails because of: /home/user/Projects/javaee-angularjs/ line 29: grunt: command not found

The run-config should be absolutely correct: working directory is the correct one and the script is found to begin with.

Any Idea what could cause this weird behavior?

P.S. I don't know whether WebStorm can run bash natively, since I've always had the bash plugin installed.


  • Try starting WebStorm from terminal - does the issue persist?

    When being launched from desktop/System menu, WebStorm only sees environment variables configured in ~/.profile (login shell), but not in interactive shell configuration files (like ~/.bashhrc). Possible workarounds:

    • Workaround 1: make required variables available in a login shell (i.e. for bash, move them from .bashrc to .bash_profile).
    • Workaround 2: run IDE from a terminal, via bin/
    • Workaround 3: edit the desktop launcher and set command to /bin/bash -l -i -c "/path/to/"

    see also