I have a model in Keras for classification that I trained on some dataset. Call that model "classification_model". That model is saved in "classification.h5". Model for detection is the same, except that we delete last convolutional layer, and add three Conv2D
layers of size (3,3)
. So, our model for detection "detection_model" should look like this:
detection_model = classification_model[: last_conv_index] + Conv2d + Conv2d + Conv2d.
How can we implement that in Keras?
Well, load your classification model and use Keras functional API to construct your new model:
model = load_model("classification.h5")
last_conv_layer_output = model.layers[last_conv_index].output
conv = Conv2D(...)(last_conv_layer_output)
conv = Conv2D(...)(conv)
output = Conv2D(...)(conv)
new_model = Model(model.inputs, output)
# compile the new model and save it ...