I'm learning parallel processing as a way to handle some huge datasets.
I have some variables predefined as below:
CV <- function(mean, sd) {(sd / mean) * 100}
distThreshold <- 5 # Distance threshold
CVThreshold <- 20 # CV threshold
LocalCV <- list()
Num.CV <- list()
Then load parallel
library, allocate the base variable and library to the clusters:
clust_cores <- makeCluster(detectCores(logical = T) )
clusterExport(clust_cores, c("i","YieldData2rd","CV", "distThreshold", "CVThreshold"))
clusterEvalQ(clust_cores, library(sp))
Then pass the cluster argument clust_cores
to parSapply
for (i in seq(YieldData2rd)) {
LocalCV[[i]] = parSapply(clust_cores, X = 1:length(YieldData2rd[[i]]),
FUN = function(pt) {
d = spDistsN1(YieldData2rd[[i]], YieldData2rd[[i]][pt,])
ret = CV(mean = mean(YieldData2rd[[i]][d < distThreshold, ]$yield),
sd = sd(YieldData2rd[[i]][d < distThreshold, ]$yield))
}) # calculate CV in the local neighbour
Then I get Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 6 nodes produced errors; first error: subscript out of bounds
in addition to warning messages:
1: closing unused connection (<-localhost:11688)
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
For reproducible example, I create a large list object, which runs fine in the original for
loop without the parallel processing components.
Yield1 <- data.frame(yield=rnorm(460, mean = 10), x1=rnorm(460, mean = 1843235), x2=rnorm(460,mean = 5802532))
Yield2 <- data.frame(yield=rnorm(408, mean = 10), x1=rnorm(408, mean = 1843235), x2=rnorm(408, mean = 5802532))
Yield3 <- data.frame(yield=rnorm(369, mean = 10), x1=rnorm(369, mean = 1843235), x2=rnorm(369, mean = 5802532))
coordinates(Yield1) <- c('x1', 'x2')
coordinates(Yield2) <- c('x1', 'x2')
coordinates(Yield3) <- c('x1', 'x2')
YieldData2rd <- list(Yield1, Yield2, Yield3)
Thanks for @Omry Atia 's comment, I started to look into the foreach
package and had my first try.
#setup parallel backend to use many processors
clust_cores <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1) #not to overload your computer
LocalCV = foreach(i = seq(YieldData2rd), .combine=list, .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar% {
LocalCV[[i]] = sapply(X = 1:length(YieldData2rd[[i]]),
FUN = function(pt) {
d = spDistsN1(YieldData2rd[[i]], YieldData2rd[[i]][pt,])
ret = CV(mean = mean(YieldData2rd[[i]][d < distThreshold, ]$yield),
sd = sd(YieldData2rd[[i]][d < distThreshold, ]$yield))
}) # calculate CV in the local neighbour
It would print out the whole thing without putting a LocalCV
to the front of foreach
It will try the new codes on some huge datasets and see how fast it can get.
Reference: run a for loop in parallel in R