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codeceptjs running with protractor does not exit

When running my tests with CodeceptJS using the Protractor driver, the tests run successfully but the process does not exit, so I have to force-stop it everytime, and I also cannot run them on my CI server or it will always timeout. My codecept.conf.js:

const conf = require('../config/config');

exports.config = {
  tests: './e2e/**/*.spec.js',
  output: './e2e/reports',
  helpers: {
    Protractor: protractor.config,
    ProtractorHelper: {
      require: './e2e/protractor.helper.js'
  name: 'test',
  timeout: 10000,
  bootstrap: './e2e/before-launch.js',
  mocha: {
    reporterOptions: {
      reportDir: './reports'

My protractor.conf.js:

const conf = require('../config/config');

exports.config = {
  scriptsTimeout: 11000,
  browser: 'chrome',
  capabilities: {
    chromeOptions: {
      args: process.env.CI ? [
        // See
        // Without a remote debugging port, Google Chrome exits immediately.
      ] : []
  directConnect: true,
  url: conf.e2e.baseUrl,
  noGlobals: true,
  rootElement: 'body'

And the before-launch.js which basically just serves up the website:

const conf = require('../config/config');


I am using:

  • CodeceptJS version: 1.4.1
  • NodeJS version: 10.1.0
  • Protractor version: 5.4.0


  • Turns out it was not exiting because of the connect which served up the website and kept listening at the end, so I changed the codecept config to:

    bootstrap: 'run-server.js',
    teardown: 'run-server.js',

    and in run-server.js:

    const http = require('http');
    const connect = require('connect');
    let app = connect();
    let server = null;
    module.exports = {
      bootstrap: function(done) {
        server = http.createServer(app);
      teardown: function(done) {

    And now it exits just fine