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It's possible to custom the mapper for ClassData and ClassWsDTO - Hybris - YCommerceWebServices

I have an object in my data class and I want only a specific attribute of this object in the WsDTO class.

Declaration of custom B2BUnitData

<bean class="">
 <property name="PointOfServiceData"

Declaration of B2bUnitWsDTO

<bean class="de.hybris.platform.b2boccaddon.dto.b2bunit.B2bUnitWsDTO">
    <property name="PointOfServiceData" type="PointOfServiceWsDTO" />

file : dto-level-mappings-v2-spring.xml

 <bean parent="fieldSetLevelMapping" id="b2bunitWsDTOFieldSetLevelMapping">
    <property name="dtoClass"
    <property name="levelMapping">
            <entry key="FULL" value="PointOfServiceData" />

this implementation give me all the object pointOfService but I only want the UID attribute in the B2bUnitWsDTO

The only solution I know, will be to create a PointOfServiceUID attribute in the data and map it directly in the b2bunitWsDTOFieldSetLevelMapping bean.

I would know if it's possible to map in the dto-level-mappings-v2-spring.xml only one attribute of my object :

Exemple :

Or if it exist some solution to do that


  • As you already mentioned, you could change the dto-level-mappings-v2-spring.xml so that for all levels (BASIC, DEFAULT, FULL) only the uid is returned.

    <bean parent="fieldSetLevelMapping" id="b2bunitWsDTOFieldSetLevelMapping">
        <property name="dtoClass"
        <property name="levelMapping">
                <entry key="BASIC" value="PointOfServiceData(uid)" />
                <entry key="DEFAULT" value="PointOfServiceData(uid)" />
                <entry key="FULL" value="PointOfServiceData(uid)" />

    Beware, the fieldSetLevelMapping beans only define how your response looks like!

    If you want to change how a B2BUnitData is mapped to a B2bUnitWsDTO, you have to define a custom field mapper (you can find examples in dto-mappings-v2-spring.xml)

    Assuming your B2bUnitWsDTO now only has pointOfServiceUID as property, this may look like this (disclaimer: you need to test this):

        <bean id="b2bUnitFieldMapper" parent="fieldMapper">
        <property name="sourceClass"
        <property name="destClass"
        <property name="fieldMapping">
                <entry key="PointOfServiceData.uid" value="pointOfServiceUID"/>

    Here is a good documentation entry point regarding Field Mappings and Field Level Definitions: