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Replace value of ngModel if not exists

I have a conditional field in a form like this:

<mat-form-field *ngIf="model.personIsMarried === 'Yes'">
    <input type="number" 
      matInput id="personSpouseAge" 
      placeholder="Spouse Age"

If the user is not married the value of model.personSpouseAge is undefined. What I want is to set the value of model.personSpouseAge to the model.personAge field that was previously filled, for example:

The person filling the form is age 27 and is not married, so the model.personSpouseAge field value will also be 27.

I hope to be clear. Thanks for your help.


  • In html:


    In .ts:

    setPersonSpouseAge(model) {
      model.personSpouseAge = model.personSpouseAge || model.personAge