Search code examples

MySQL Error 1111 - Invalid use of group function when nesting window functions

I'm working to create a SQL report on answers table:

id | created_at
1  | 2018-03-02 18:05:56
2  | 2018-04-02 18:05:56
3  | 2018-04-02 18:05:56
4  | 2018-05-02 18:05:56
5  | 2018-06-02 18:05:56

And output is:

weeks_ago | record_count (# of rows per weekly cohort) | growth (%)
-4        | 21                                         |  22%
-3        | 22                                         | -12%
-2        | 32                                         |   2%
-1        |  2                                         |  20%
 0        | 31                                         |   0%

My query is currently erring with:

1111 - Invalid use of group function

What am I doing wrong here?

SELECT  floor(datediff(f.created_at, curdate()) / 7) AS weeks_ago,
                count(DISTINCT AS "New Records in Cohort",
                100 * (count(*) - lag(count(*), 1) over (order by f.created_at)) / lag(count(*), 1) over (order by f.created_at) || '%' as growth
FROM answers f
WHERE f.completed_at IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY weeks_ago
HAVING count(*) > 1;


  • I think you want to find running count of all rows excluding the current row. I think you can ditch the LAG function as follows:

        COUNT(*) OVER (ORDER BY f.created_at ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) x, -- running count before current row
        COUNT(*) OVER (ORDER BY f.created_at) y -- running count including current row

    You can divide and multiply all you want.

    Nope. you simply need to separate GROUP BY and LAG OVER:

    WITH cte AS (
            FLOOR(DATEDIFF(created_at, CURDATE()) / 7) AS weeks_ago,
            COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS new_records
        FROM answers
        WHERE 1 = 1 -- todo: change this
        GROUP BY weeks_ago
        HAVING 1 = 1 -- todo: change this
        100 * (
            new_records - LAG(new_records) OVER (ORDER BY weeks_ago)
        ) / LAG(new_records) OVER (ORDER BY weeks_ago) AS percent_increase
    FROM cte
