I'm attempting to bootstrap my AWS EC2 ubuntu server with oh-my-zsh installed for the ubuntu user. I have a cloud-init script (more info here) that runs as the root user (with sudo). So, in my script I run the oh-my-zsh installation as the ubuntu user.
# omitted other commands specific to my server, install zsh at the end
- apt-get install -y zsh
- su ubuntu -c 'sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreycole/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"'
- chsh -s $(which zsh) ubuntu
# change the prompt to include the server hostname
- su ubuntu -c echo "echo export PROMPT=\''%{$fg[green]%}%n@%{$fg[green]%}%m%{$reset_color%} ${ret_status} %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)'\'" >> /home/ubuntu/.zshrc
# get environment variables defined above
- echo "source ~/.profile" >> /home/ubuntu/.zshrc
When the cloud-init finishes and I ssh into the colors are not working in the $PROMPT
, I see [green]
and [cyan]
[green]ubuntu@[green]ip-172-31-27-24 [cyan]~
If I run the same PROMPT
command as the ubuntu user after ssh'ing in, the colors work correctly:
The problem seems to be how the colors are evaulated when the cloud-init script runs the echo
command vs how the colors are evaulated when the ubuntu user runs the echo
command. Does anyone know how I might change the PROMPT
so the colors are only evaulated once ~/.zshrc
is evaulated by the ubuntu user?
I solved this thanks to jgshawkey's answer here. I used bash variables to escape the color codes & commands to postpone their evaluation:
- apt-get install -y zsh
- runuser -l ubuntu -c 'sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreycole/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"'
- chsh -s $(which zsh) ubuntu
- fgGreen='%{$fg[green]%}'
- fgCyan='%{$fg[cyan]%}'
- fgReset='%{$reset_color%}'
- retStatus='${ret_status}'
- gitInfo='$(git_prompt_info)'
- runuser -l ubuntu -c "echo export PROMPT=\''${fgGreen}%n@%m${fgReset} ${retStatus} ${fgCyan}%c${fgReset} ${gitInfo}'\'" >> /home/ubuntu/.zshrc
- echo "source ~/.profile" >> /home/ubuntu/.zshrc
It ended up looking like this in my ~/.zshrc