I am writing Java code on z/OS and I need to find out which security manager (RACF, ACF2 or TopSecret) is active on the system. How can I do this?
Edit: Fixed the incorrect offset of cvtracOffsetRCVTID to the correct value of 0x0.
You can use the IBM JZOS package to peek at memory as follows. For production code, I would create an enumeration for the security managers and rather than pass strings around and have to deal with string comparisons.
import com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil;
* This is a sample program that uses IBM JZOS to determine
* the Enterprise Security Manager that is active on a z/OS
* system.
* <p>
* @see com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil#peekOSMemory(long, int)
* @see com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil#peekOSMemory(long, byte[])
public class peek {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
byte[] rcvtIdBytes = new byte[4];
long pPSA = 0L;
int psaOffsetCVT = 16;
long pCVT = ZUtil.peekOSMemory(pPSA + psaOffsetCVT, 4); // Get address of CVT from PSA+16
int cvtOffsetCVTRAC = 0x3e0; // Offset of CVTRAC (@RCVT) in the CVT
long pCVTRAC =
ZUtil.peekOSMemory(pCVT + cvtOffsetCVTRAC, 4); // Get the address of CVTRAC (Mapped by ICHPRCVT)
// Now we can retrieve the 4 byte ID (in IBM-1047) of the active ESM.
int cvtracOffsetRCVTID = 0x0;
// Offset of RCVTID in the RCVT.
// The RCVTID value is:
// "RCVT" for RACF
// "ACF2" for ACF2
// "RTSS" for TopSecret
ZUtil.peekOSMemory(pCVTRAC + cvtracOffsetRCVTID, rcvtIdBytes); // Get the RCVTID
String rcvtId = new String(rcvtIdBytes, "IBM-1047");
System.out.println("The Security Manager is: "+rcvtId);