Trying to open a site including a html-file from my extension, this error occures: (TYPO3 Version 8.7.19)
1407060572: Fluid parse error in template
partial_Video/VideoSlide_016cfc0cd210899384d5d10b02b3336b438691df, line 47 at
character 1. Error: The ViewHelper "<v:switch>" could not be resolved. Based on
your spelling, the system would load the class
"FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers\SwitchViewHelper", however this class does not
exist. (error code 1407060572). Template source chunk: <v:switch value="
According to the error message, there is a problem with the Viewhelper and the switch statement.
Here is the using namespace
{namespace v=FluidTYPO3\vhs\ViewHelpers}
and here is the code of the switch statement:
<f:if condition="{v:variable.get(name: 'access', useRawKeys: 1)}">
<!-- ... -->
<f:for each="{video.fegroupUID}" as="fegroup" iteration="iterator">
<v:switch value="{fegroup.uid}">
<v:case case="2" break="TRUE">
<div class="thumbnailcontainer_overlay">
<p><f:translate key="thumbnail_justforregisteredusers"/></p>
No matter what I change, I always get the same error, like shown above. Even when I comment out the responsible Partial, which confuses me a lot! I allready cleared all chaches(in Install Tool), tried other namespaces and doublechecked my switch statement.
Thanks in advance!
If your version of Typo3 is 8.7.19, you probably have a vhs version greater than 2.4.0, so the switch functionality has been moved directly into fluid.
You should try something like that :
<f:switch expression="{person.gender}">
<f:case value="male">Mr.</f:case>
<f:case value="female">Mrs.</f:case>
<f:case default="TRUE">Mrs. or Mr.</f:case>
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