I am observing that the yocto build system is just applying my patch instead of applying and committing the patch on the cloned git repo.
Original bitbake (u-boot-ti-staging_2018.01.bb) file.
require u-boot-ti.inc
PR = "r19"
BRANCH = "ti-u-boot-2018.01"
SRCREV = "8b2f1df4b55bc0797399a21d42ac191d44f99227"
Modified bitbake file, added SRC_URI to the file.
require u-boot-ti.inc
PR = "r19"
BRANCH = "ti-u-boot-2018.01"
SRCREV = "8b2f1df4b55bc0797399a21d42ac191d44f99227"
SRC_URI += "file://0001-Stopping-DHCP-server-giving-new-serverip.patch \
I have added a patch file under files directory. The content of the patch (0001-Stopping-DHCP-server-giving-new-serverip.patch) file is as follows.
From cf97b6053f00afd496d01a892599cd8f4b254087 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sunny Shukla <sunny.shukla@xyz.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 18:23:49 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Stopping DHCP server giving new serverip
Added CONFIG_BOOTP_SERVERIP in the config file, this
stops the DHCP server gives new "serverip" address and
overrides the current one.
include/configs/am335x_evm.h | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/include/configs/am335x_evm.h b/include/configs/am335x_evm.h
index 01f0277..4b3047d 100644
--- a/include/configs/am335x_evm.h
+++ b/include/configs/am335x_evm.h
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#include <configs/ti_am335x_common.h>
The patch is applying like someone is executing a "git apply 0001-Stopping-DHCP-server-giving-new-serverip.patch" command on top of the cloned git repo as show below. But rather I want that the patch must be applied like someone is executing a "git am 0001-Stopping-DHCP-server-giving-new-serverip.patch" command on top of the cloned git repo.
git status
On branch ti-u-boot-2018.01
Your branch is behind 'origin/ti-u-boot-2018.01' by 23 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: include/configs/am335x_evm.h
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
I want this patch to be applied and committed on top of the cloned git repo. How to achieve that under a bitbake file?
Yocto by default uses quilt
when no patch tool is specified. You can specify
in your recipe, so that Yocto automatically applies it using "git am".
See here for more details.
NOTE: This functionality will start adding an extra line to the patch's description like "%%original patch: 0001-Stopping-DHCP-server-giving-new-serverip.patch" while applying the patch. To get rid of it, comment the below line under "oe-core/meta/lib/oe/patch.py" file.