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What's a Capfile? And how do I use it correctly with Ruby on Rails?

I have a ruby on rails application that should be transferred from one server to another (that's not working fine at the moment). I installed capistrano. I'm using debian 7 server with apache passenger.

I saw a Capfile in the root directory of the ruby on rails application. Is a Capfile something like a makefile to build and deploy the application? How do I correctly work with it?


When I run the cap file i got this: ' cap deploy:setup '

(Backtrace restricted to imported tasks)
cap aborted!
LoadError: cannot load such file -- config/deploy
/var/www/myapplication/Capfile:3:in `load'
/var/www/myapplication/Capfile:3:in `<top (required)>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

it seems like the deploy file coun't be loaded ... i have in the config folder an deploy folder and a deploy.rb

whats going wrong?


  • This is happening because Capistrano tasks are now Rake tasks and Rake expects a construct like this:

    task :name, [:arg, :arg] => :dependency do

    Capistrano 3:

    task :dump do
      on primary roles :db do