I am trying to search for the string "missing" in a file containing the following:
<comment>Context menu</comment>
And if the "missing" is found, I want to replace the string with it's immediate source name. For example this:
<comment>Context menu</comment>
I was able to use awk to search for the string and print immediate source name so far:
match($0, /<source>(.*)<\/source>/,n){ src=n[1] }
match($0, /<translation>(.*)<\/translation>/,s){ trs=s[1] }
/unfinished/{ print "Translation missing or incomplete for: '" trs "'","located inside source named: '" src "'" }
And then save it as something.awk
call it using:
awk -f something.awk filelocation
But I am not sure how to replace the string "missing" with the value from source.
Can anyone suggest me how can I replace it?
You can try this (write this in something.awk):
if($0 ~ "<source>"){
source = gensub(/.*<source>(.*)<\/source>.*/, "\\1", "", $0)
if($0 ~ "<translation>missing"){
$0 = gensub(/>.*</, ">" source "<", "", $0)
I don't know if you need a specific version of awk to use gensub... (maybe gawk ?). But it works on my computer when I do :
awk -f something.awk filelocation
Result :
<comment>Context menu</comment>
As I said, it can be a serious problem if order of tags is not respected (or if you have multiple tags per line, ...). It is not a big deal if you have a tag between source and translation but source must be before translation. If it is not the case, you may need to parse your file with a correct XML parser tool (awk iksn't) and do your changes and print to file.